Golden Circle and Langjökull Monster Truck tour
Lokalita: Island
Aktivita: 4x4, Výlety na vidiek
Jazyk sprievodcu: Anglicky
Doba trvania: 10 hod
Náročnosť: Snadné
Minimálny vek: 6
Aktivitu v tomto momente neponúkame. Pokiaľ nám pošlete svoj e-mail, radi vás budeme informovať, akonáhle bude aktivita opäť spustená.
Alternatively, you can inquire directly with the provider of this experience.
More informationTo hlavné
- Geysir
- Gullfoss
- Thingvellir
- Langjokull Glacier in a Monster Truck
Všetko o zážitku
The tour to the glacier starts at the amazing waterfall Gullfoss at 13:00. From there we will take you to the edge of the enormous Langjökull glacier where you will board Sleipnir Monster Truck. The duration of the tour is approximately three hours.
Departure from Gullfoss to Reykjavík is at 17:30.
Thingvellir National Park is a historical and geological wonder. Here the American and Eurasian tectonic plates are pulling apart at a rate of a few centimeters per year. Thingvellir is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Geysir is the place from which all other geysers in the world get their name. The famous Geysir does not often erupt anymore but the smaller, but very impressive, Strokkur erupts every 4-8 minutes and shoots a column of water up to 40 metres up in the air.
Gullfoss (translated to 'Golden Falls') is one of Iceland's most iconic and beloved waterfalls, found in the Hvítá river canyon in Southwest Iceland which tumbles and plunges into a crevice some 32 m (105 ft.) deep.
Čo je v cene
- Bus fare
- Guided tour
- 3 hour tour to Langjökull (tour time includes transfer to and from Gulfoss)
Čo nie je v cene
- Meals or refreshments
- Hotel transer
Children 5 years and younger are not permitted on this tour.
The operation of this tour depends on the conditions on the glacier. Due to sudden and unexpected weather changes the monster truck might be canceled after the tour´s departure from Reykjavík.
Chcete sa na niečo spýtať alebo potrebujete viac informácií o aktivitách?
Kontaktujte našu pobočku v pracovných dňoch od 9 do 17 hodín a cez víkend a sviatky od 11 do 17 hodín na telefónnom čísle +420 722 100 112.
Mohlo by sa vám páčiť
Buginy a Zlatý okruh (sdílená jízda) z Reykjavíku
Jeskynní trekking a šnorchlování z Reykjaviku
Šnorchlování na Islandu v oblasti Silfra s neoprenem
Šnorchlování a jízda na koních z Reykjavíku
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Letenky, hotely, dovolenka
Nájdite si lacnú letenku, Zabookujte hotel a užite si svoju dovolenku plnú zážitkov po celom svete.

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